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eCommerce Marketing Glossary and Frequently Asked Questions

What is eCommerce SEO?
eCommerce SEO is a Search Engine Optimization strategy planned to promote and rank products and category pages on the search engines in order to gain organic traffic and conversions.
SEO is one of the highest yielding ROI strategies, and though considered a long-term investment, the fact that free traffic is being utilized actually minimizes the overall investment.
What is eCommerce PPC?
eCommerce PPC is a Pay per Click strategy aimed at promoting products on Google Ads and other platforms. Unlike other PPC strategies, PPC for eCommerce oftentimes utilizes different keyword structure; advanced conversion tracking targeted for sales, and advanced automated bidding strategies that are based on user intent, browsing history and longer conversion window.
What is eCommerce Marketing Strategy?
eCommerce Marketing Strategy is a general term for all the marketing channels that are being utilized in order to promote one’s brand. The marketing campaigns use search networks, social media, email, TV and programmatic advertisement in order to reach audiences and customers.
What is eCommerce Conversion?
Conversion is a completed engagement action – a sale, a lead, a phone call, a sign up, or any goal that has been conditioned as a conversion. In eCommerce, conversion most often is related to a completed, tracked sale.
What is a good Conversion Rate for eCommerce?
Conversion Rate is a highly dynamic metric that changes drastically from industry to industry and even from product to product – making it nearly impossible to gauge accurately.
Generally speaking, conversion rate for eCommerce of over 3-4% is considered good, from 5-10% is highly solid and over 10% is excellent – yet, the main KPIs to focus when measuring success would be revenue, ROI and ROAS – that could drive a higher yield at a lower conversion rate as well, so use the CR indicator wisely for mainly ongoing optimization purposes.
What is User Intent in eCommerce?
User Intent relates to the end goal of a user browsing the web. In eCommerce, the term usually applies to audiences that have shown measured intent to purchase a specific product, or expressed interest at a brand. User Intent is being measured by analytics and data collection tools, and oftentimes implemented in targeting lists and audience reach optimization strategies.
The main metrics that indicate on user intent are search history, time spent on site and goal accomplished, on-site search query analysis, heat-map data analysis and so on.
What is the 80-20 Approach in eCommerce?
The 80-20 approach in eCommerce suggests that 80% of the revenue comes from 20% of the products.
What is a Data Feed in eCommerce?
A data-feed is a list of all the product inventory on a website. This file exports the current inventory or stock of items in a format that digital marketplaces and shopping-engines could translate to product listings. The data feed contains various attributes such as product brand, model, SKU, image link, description and others.
How to Name Product Category Wisely?
One of the best practices would be to look at Google’s product category list, and name your product category accordingly. Accurate taxonomy mapping helps Google “understand” better the nature of the product, what could result in better exposure and higher sales.

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